This blog contains my personal views, experiences, knowledge and insights of competitive swimming. I have been involved in competitive swimming practically my entire life. I swam competively from my early years as an age-grouper through high school and college, and since 1998 I have been running and coaching one of USA Swimming's many member clubs in Southern California. Although my swimming background is extensive, I feel I am nowhere near the coach I strive to be, and I am constantly searching for more knowledge and experience. Through this blog I will share with you what I have learned.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


I find it necessary and appropriate entering a new season to remind my swimmers that each and every one of them has the opportunity to do something special this season; how special is up to them.

Over my many years of coaching, I have found the swimmers with the most success at the end of the season are those who can focus and stay on task the most consistently the entire season.  They know what they must improve on, and they focus on improving and honing these skills each and every practice.  They WORK!  They work to improve; constantly!  They THINK and pay attention to not only their coach, but to their own selves and how they are practicing; continuously paying attention to the details of their stoke and swimming technique.  They know their goal times and shoot for these times during swim sets and/or kick sets.  They are typically known as the "hardest workers" in the group by their peirs.

So try the following this season:

Become known as one of the "Hardest Workers" in your group
Think; don't swim aimlessly
Pay attention to your times in practice
Aim for best practice times or goal race pace splits
Learn to kick WELL; become a GREAT kicker!
Keep pushing yourself beyond your perceived limits of failure
Become great at underwater's

Seize the opportunity to become great!